Inaugural Segment

 Today Finn drank an unknown amount of hand sanitizer.  I can't imagine that he drank very much given that the stuff tastes terrible, but we monitored him nonetheless.  To be ultra cautious I used my limited knowledge of DUI law to give Finn a field sobriety test.  He walked the line and then did the touch your nose exercise.  He did not appear drunk all night so we decided not to worry about it too much.  We did, however, put the hand sanitizer out of reach.

Finn also was able to spend some time with his Grandad.  Dad was working in town today and stopped by with some "Cars" stickers for Finn.  Finn, of course, was very excited.

Finn also went outside today and let helium balloons go.  To me, the best part of getting a helium balloon was letting it go.  Finn enjoyed it, but it was so bright outside that it was hard to look up at the sky.  About two hours later he tried to show Grandad the balloons.  They were long gone by this time.

Before the boys went to bed I took a few pictures of them together.

And now for a new segment I call "Phraseology of the Finnster." One of the highlights of my day is listening to words, sentences, phrases and full conversations that come out of Finn's mouth.  It's one thing to remember what the boys do during the day - it is another thing all together to remember the sweet things that the boys say.  I never want to forget these little jewels.

Phraseology of the Finnster: The Inaugural Segment.

1.  Today Finn asked me to read him a book.  I told him to pick out a book and come sit with me.  He brought me a book that we have read a thousand times. I asked Finn to bring me a different book.  Finn looked at me and said, "this book is perfect mom." I didn't know that Finn new that word, but much less how to use it correctly.

2.  Upon telling Finn it is time to brush his teeth he asked "where are we going mom?"  I told that we weren't going anywhere.  He responded "Nana coming to see me?"  I told him that Nana was not coming.  Bewildered, he asked "who's coming to see me?"  I told him on one.  He responded with a look of grave disappointment on his face, "no one?"   He was so cute.  He couldn't imagine a situation where he would have to brush his teeth just to hang out at home alone.

3.  Today I got a call from Dad.  He said he was in the area working and asked if he could stop by.  In order to get Finn to clean up his toys we told him that a visitor was coming but we didn't tell him who - he clearly assumed that it would be Nana.  When the doorbell rang Finn ran to open the door.  He stood there for a second and then closed the door.  He turned to me and Michael and said, "that's not Nana."  I thought, oh no, Finn just slammed the door on Dad.  I quickly opened the door and saw this strange man standing on our stoop looking quite confused.  I was impressed with Finn's discernment, a.k.a good judgment.

4. Opps:  Or as we adults say "oops."  Every time Finn is watching one of "his shows" and a commercial comes on he says "opps."  Sometime it sounds like "ups."  We are getting closer to "oops."

5.  Manners:  Today after hearing me burp, Finn turned around came back into the kitchen and said, "excuse you mom!"


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