Feeding Sam

 This morning Finn decided that he wanted to feed Sam.  He is proving to be a really good big brother.  He is constantly wanting to hug Sam, give Sam his soothe or cover him up.  I really have to watch Finn because he has a tendency to put his entire body weight on Sam when he hugs him.  He also we say the following phrase about Sam; "he's a cute little baby."
 As you see, Finn has pretty good form.  He really didn't do too badly.  This only lasted about 10 seconds and then Finn was "all done."  Sam, on the other hand was not.

 This is how Finn left Sam.  Finn may have lost interest really quickly, but I am glad that he at least makes an attempt to help.  He told me this morning that he would like another brother.  Good call Finn.

After Michael woke up I worked out and then we went to eat as a family at Hardees.  Michael loves their chicken tenders and I had a turkey burger.  When we got home Finn took a nap and Michael went to workout.  While Michael was away Finn and I watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II.  Finn was really into it.  Every two minutes he would run into the kitchen (where I was cleaning) and would yell with excitement "come look at this mom!!"  He was so excited about the dragon and the snake.  He would also get really excited when there was any magic.  He was so cute watching Harry Potter.

At 7:30 we all went to Kroger to shop for the Super Bowl party.  Finn, and consequently, Michael ran all over the store.

As for Sam, well he slept most of the day - big shocker. He started to wake up around 8:30.  He really likes to lay on the floor.  He will lay on his back and watch the TV.  He seems the most alert while on the floor - not sure why.  He is such a sweet baby.

Finn also put me in timeout today.  I was picking up his toys and without thinking I tossed them into his toy box.  He looked at me and said "that's timeout."  He walked over to me, grabbed my hand and walked me to the timeout corner.  I sat down and he walked off .  He came back about a minute later and told me that timeout was over.

Finally, Finn prayed for his "Uncle" Chelsea at bedtime.


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