The Tent

Monday night was my first night home alone with the boys. I decided that it might be fun to build a tent in the den and sleep under it with Finn.  We really had a great time.  We watched Cars 2 and ate popcorn and pudding.  Finn thought this was really great. Around 8:30 he snuggled up next to me and fell sound to sleep.  He even sleep through Sam's first feeding at 1:30. 

The fun abruptly ended around 3:00 when Finn woke up suddenly and would not go back to sleep.  He was wide awake from 3:00 until we left to go to Victoria's house.  I attempted to get some sleep during this time but Finn would try to pry my eyes open. I was so irritated!

To make matter's worse Finn fell asleep in the car on the way to Victoria's house. After dropping Finn off Sam and I ran a few errands and we ended up take a nice nap together on the couch.  Sam is the best cuddler  - I love napping with him.

Later that night (Tuesday) Gina came over to spend the night.  She planned to stay with the boys th e next morning while I worked. Finn and Gigi played for a little while until he left with Michael to go see a basketball game.  They got home around 9:30 meaning Finn did not get into the bed until 10:00. He was so exhausted.

Okay, Blogger has changed and I have no idea how use it. Why does everything have to change???


  1. What fun and what memories. You and Emily did that all the time!
    Also, the phrase on the television was quite prophetic for the night to come wasn't it? HaHA

  2. awwww, every friday night, and you even still made it with a sheet and pony tail holders!!


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