Three Week Appointment/Weigh In

Today Finn and Sam both had doctor's appointments.  Sam went for his three week appointment and Finn for his weigh in.  Back in October Finn's pediatrician was a bit concerned about Finn's weight.  He weighed 34 pounds.  Well today he weighed in at 33 pounds. Her response was, I don't know what you did, but your doing something right!  Yay! She said he is back on track.

Sam weighed in at 10 pounds, 13 ounces (92%) and was 22 and 1/4 long (96%).  During the appointment I looked down and saw a drop of milk on Sam's tiny little nipple.  I immediately checked to see how badly I was leaking, but I saw nothing.  Then I gasped when I realized it came from Sam. Dr. Thompson confirmed that the "leakage" was in fact milk.  I am so jam packed with hormones that my poor little "testosterone filled" boy is producing milk.

After leaving the doctor's office we all went to "Chic-Fil-A" for a quick bite.  Finn spent his time playing blocks with the condement packets.

This is a picture of Finn playing with his "Noah's Ark" puzzle.  He took all the animals out and then matched them with their mate.


  1. Uh oh, I have a feeling I'm going to get reprimanded at Rylan's 2yr appt...he just had his 18mth appt and he weighed 31lbs!

    1. You know - I love big babies!! I wouldn't worry too much - all we did was switch to low fat peanut butter :)


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