Like Mother Like Son

Its official - Finn is just like me.  The other day while watching "Cars 2" I started noticing that Finn hums along with the score through most of the movie.  Anytime there is soundtrack music he will sing.  I do the same thing.  I really hope that Finn and I can enjoy soundtrack music together.

The last two days I have been home with both Finn and Sam.  Yesterday I had to take both boys out to the Kroger pharmacy.  We didn't get out of the car - we just went through the drive through.  Sam, of course, started screaming when prompted Finn to start yelling "STOP CRYING" at Sam.  All of this was happening while I was talking through the window to the pharmacist.  I finally asked Finn if he would sing Sam a song (I knew this wouldn't calm Sam, but wanted at least to stop one of the boys from yelling).  Finn, very sweetly, sang one stanza of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.  When Sam didn't stop crying Finn immediately stopped singing and said with his little lip out, "Sam doesn't like my song." He took it really personally.

Today, I got the boys out again.  We went to Babies-R-Us, Kroger, and the post office.  It isn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be taking both boys out. When we got home Finn took a nap and Sam and I snuggled on the couch and listened to my book on tape.  When Finn got up we started talking about his full name.  I asked him what his full name was and he said "Griffin Thomas Begley."  Then I asked him what my full name was and he said, "Erin Thomas Begley."  I explained to him that my name is "Leah Erin Begley."  He furrowed those brows and said, "No - that's Nana's name."

Sam is still proving to be a good baby.  The only thing about Sam is that he is a lazy eater.  He falls asleep within minutes of starting to eat.  The only way that I can get him to stay awake though an entire feeding is if I pump and give him a bottle.

Before putting the boys to bed, we pulled Finn's old play yard.  Sam seems very happy laying flat on his back in the floor so I thought it might be a good idea to go ahead and pull out the play yard. Finn kept asking where his play yard was.  When he finally understand that he doesn't have one he asked to share Sam's.  So far Sam does not care for the play yard.




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