Game Time

Sunday was the Super Bowl meaning that it was time for the annual Begley Super Bowl party.  After church Michael and I spent the afternoon, cooking, cleaning, and preparing for out big party.  Finn was so excited about the party.  We bought fruit snacks the night before for Finn to share with his friends.  All day he talked about his friends coming over.  He would run up to me and say, "my friends are coming!"  He also would say, "when my kids gets hear we can eat fruit snacks."  I'm not sure why he switched from calling them his friends to calling them his kids.

 We had a pretty good turnout - most of our Sunday School class attended except for one couple who had two girls with ear infections.  We had lots of food, lots of kids and lots of noise!  But it was joyful!  JT and Finn ran around with their trucks most of the night.

 This is a picture of Ella, Addison and Finn playing with Finn's Ark.

 Finn running with a box on his head. 
 My boys all dressed up in their Titan's gear for the game. 
 Finn enjoying his favorite game day food - Doritos!
Nice face Dad!


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