Two Year Old's Are SO Precious

No new pictures for today - I am quickly falling into the "second child" rut.  I vow to do better.  I also don't have a lot to blog about with Sam.  He doesn't really do much - that is in comparison with Finn.  I have no idea how I carried a blog based on Finn alone when he was an infant. 

Anyway, I have decided that two and a half is my favorite age.  The things that come out of Finn's mouth are so precious, sweet, funny and surprising.  I need to start carrying around a note pad with me so that I can write down all the "Finnisms."  This blog is dedicated to the "Finnisms" of the last few days. They aren't necessarily funny, but instead, just very sincere.

1. For some reason Finn has started sticking his hands in his diaper after a bowl movement. Yes, it is as gross as it sounds and no this is not the precious part.  After we clean up the hands then we start on the source (if you catch my drift).  Yesterday during dinner Finn came up to me and said my hand's are dirty.  I asked him why he keeps putting his hands in his diaper.  Finn's response was priceless.  He said very seriously, "I poo poo in my diaper and then I stick my hands in it."  Really???? I had no idea that was the process.  His answer was so honest and his voice was so sweet when he said it.  You could tell that he thought he was answering my question correctly.

2.  Today while driving to the courthouse, Finn out of nowhere said, "it's all my fault mom."  I still don't know what "is all his fault." 

3. Today while changing Sam's diaper I hear a kitchen chair sliding through the kitchen. I asked Finn what he was doing and he said, "I'll be right back in one minute mom."  Finn was in the process of climbing upon the counter and getting a cookie.  He just thought that a vague answer might be better.

Also, I accidentally close-lined Finn yesterday. I was in the fridge getting something to drink.  At the exact moment I opened the door Finn walked right up to it.  I clocked him really good with the door right in the forehead, the force of the door knocked his feet out from under him and he went down hard on the tile.  Oops.  It took quite a while to get him to calm down after that one.


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