Flat Top

 Well,  I have been informed that the blog is a little "Finn heavy."  Meaning - I haven't blogged about Sam enough.  Guilty as charged.  However, in my defense Sam doesn't really do that much.  He sleeps most of the day.  When he is not sleeping (either cuddled up next to me or otherwise) he is eating or ramping up to through a huge tantrum.  While Sam is a great baby it doesn't take him long to work up to a terrible fit. He can literally be sound asleep one second and screaming his lungs out the next. 

Last night after Sam's bath I decided that I would put a hat on his head.  I didn't have a comb handy so I flattened his hair out with my hands and stuck a hat on him.  When I took the hat off I saw that his hair was laid down!  I have posted a lot of pictures of Sam - mostly to show his new hair-do. 

I had a lot of relaxing time with Sam last night. I held him for two hours while he cuddled up next to me and slept. His bath was interesting last night.  I put him in the bathtub and turned the water to hot.  While Sam was getting a bath Finn decided that he wanted to wash his hands.  Somehow or another Finn used all the hot water while washing his hands.  Granted he washed them for about 15 minutes.  Poor Sam had to take a luke warm bath all the while dodging shampoo bottles that Finn was pushing into the water.

Today the boys were home with me.  We went to Wal-mart in the morning and then Finn took a long nap.  Around 3:00 I went upstairs to get on the treadmill.  While I was getting ready Finn decided that he wanted to go into his bathroom. When I checked in on him I saw that he was brushing his teeth.  When I checked back in on him I saw that he was elbow deep in water.  He had stopped the sink and it was millimeters from running over and flooding the bathroom.  He was drenched.

Later on in the evening we met Michael at Shane's for supper.  

 The world's most effective pacifier.

This is the closest I have gotten to catching Sam smiling.


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