
Finn's new favorite place to watch TV.

Monday was a really calm day so I am just going to blog about a few things that Finn said.  While I like to think that Finn is a boy genius he has not mastered the "plural."  Now when Finn refers to two of anything he sounds like Gollum.  For example, "bookses, carses, shapeses."  It sounds so funny.

Noah:  When we play with Finn's ark puzzle I will ask Finn who built the ark and then we will sing the song.  The song is very simple.  It goes like this "Who built the ark? Noah, Noah.  Who built the ark?  Brother Noah built the ark." Tonight when we playing with the ark, I started singing "Who built the ark? Finn responded without missing a beat "Santa, Santa." 

As for Sam, it has finally happened - Sam has spit up.  Since bringing him home from the hospital Sam has not spit up.  He burps really well and generally keeps every thing down.  That is until last night.  I had just fed Sam and laid him down to sleep.  I heard a terrible gurgling noise. Then I heard a huge splat.  I turned the lights on and saw that Sam had spit up about 5 ounces of milk.  And he had done it with such force that it didn't even hardly hit the bed he was laying on.  Most of it shot out of him like a geyser and hit the arm of the couch and the floor below.  It was so impressive and so gross.


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