Best Valentine's Day to Date!

 Valentine's Day 2012 goes down in the books as the best Valentine's Day to date.  The day started with Finn coming down the stairs saying "Happy Valentine's Day, I love you." 

After breakfast and diaper changes boys and I headed out to run our errands.  First we went to the Clerk's office to file some legal papers and then we went to Kroger to pick up a few things.  It is pretty complicated getting both boys out of the car without getting one squashed or run off.  I have to threaten Finn within an inch of his life to NOT take his hands off of the car while I get Sam out.  So far he has done pretty good.

Today was the first time that Sam has smiled at me.  Perfect timing given that it is Valentine's Day.   I was holding him on the couch and I started rubbing his cheeks and he looked up and me and grinned from ear to ear.  I think that he was smiling because I tickled him, but I was thrilled nonetheless.

Finn continued his trend of complete honesty.  When Michael called Finn asked to speak to him.  The first thing he said when he got the phone was, "I've been uuugggly."  He really emphasized the word ugly.  He had actually been pretty good other than the "ugly" incident.  What he was referring to was the when he got in the pantry. grabbed a fist full of oatmeal and dropped it on the floor.

When Michael got home we gave Finn his Valentine present.  He got him the "Lion King" a Sidley the airplane and launcher, some Hershey's Kisses, and heart shaped marshmallows with a chocolate center (those are gross). 

 It was also Sam's first Valentine's Day.  Check out how much fun he is having.  Michael and I accidentally neglected to get Sam a present.  He didn't seem to mind.
This is Finn playing with his launcher.  Finn and I both love this present.  You put the plane on the launcher and push down on it as hard as possible.  Then the plane goes shooting off the launcher and across the room.  We played with his for a while.  I sat on one end of the rug and Finn on the other.  I would launch the plane right at Finn.  I hit in the head a couple of times.  Finn would squeal with delight and then run the plane back over to me and say "do it again???"

Finn isn't quite strong enough to launch the plane very far using his hands so we taught him to use his feet.   

 While waiting for Gran to come over we put the Lion King in and Finn sat in the floor and played with our new toys and ate gross marshmallows.  When Gran came over she gave Finn a car, a Cars beach towel, a Thomas coloring book, a Bearenstein Bears book, an outfit and some cookies.  Gran stayed with Finn and Sam while Michael and I went out for a nice dinner.
Dinner was wonderful.  We went to Nana Rosa's and I had veal picatta. The food was great and we had a really nice time.  We were seated around 7:45 and our salad's didn't arrive until after 9:00.  It was a late night, but we had a great time anyway.  It was so nice to sit and talk.  We even managed to not spend most of the night talking about the boys.


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