This morning I got out of bed, gave Finn and kiss, and promised to get him back for keeping me up all night. I have not made good on my promise yet.
For breakfast Dad got us Hardees biscuits and we sat around the kitchen table and ate. Finn practiced saying "up" and banged his hands on the table as hard as possible. Once Cooper saw this he started banging his hands too. Next we watched as Cooper demonstrated how he can stand up. MJ would say "up" and Cooper would stand up, throw his hands in the air and then come crashing back down. We all clapped and "yayed" for him every time. Pretty soon Finn caught on and when Cooper would stand up Finn would clap for him too.

Finn and Cooper made great progress this weekend. They spent a lot of time playing right next to each other without Finn pitching a hissy fit. At one point this morning Cooper kissed Finn's forehead and when he leaned up Finn had oatmeal on his forehead.

Next the boys started playing with this light up, spinning, sphere thing. They were both mesmerized it and played with it together nicely until Cooper accidentally bopped Finn on the head with it prompting Finn to . . .

. . . regress. He got over it pretty quick and the two were back to playing in no time.

After a fairly decent nap Finn tried on his new Nike's. Finn has confirmed that everything Nike promises is true. While wearing his Nike's Finn was able to stand up by himself for almost 30 seconds at a time. They really do make you run faster, jump higher, and in Finn's case, stand up longer!

With the "force" with him, a.k.a his Nike's, Finn was able to knock everything off the end tables, including a full can of Diet Coke with Lime. Have you noticed that this post reads more like an advertisement/endorsement than a baby blog. I expect a check in the mail any day now.

After a few more minutes of playing we left Dad and Gigi's house and went to visit Nana and Papa for a few minutes. Finn had a great time at Nana's.

He ate Play-Dough and promptly threw it back up. . .

He drank chocolate milk and took a nap. . .

And then he played in the stump.

He also showed Nana how he says "up."
When we got home later that day, Finn showed his dad how happy he was to see him. Next Michael went to pick us up some dinner from Cheddars and we three watched "Julie and Julia."
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