Finn Braves the Elements

A.K.A - the swimming pool. Today we took Finn to the community pool for the first time. Beforehand we lathered every inch of him with sunscreen and let it soak in for an hour. Next we loaded Finn up in the stroller and headed down the road to the pool.

The pool was packed! Unbeknownst to us today was the day of the big neighborhood pool party. They served us pizza and brought over one of those bouncy castle things. It was fun, but I was worried that with the pool being so crowded, someone would jump on Finn. When we first got there we put Finn in the kiddie pool and much to our surprise he loved it. He was a little shocked by the cold water, but once he got used to it he was fine. He really liked standing up in the pool. In the shallow end he was able to stand up and still have his head above water.

Next we went to the adult pool to play with Addison and Carissa. Finn's feet couldn't touch in the deep end so we took turns holding him. Finn loved laying on this back in the water - he thought that was so funny. He also like twirling in the water.

Next I inflated his whale float. Other than the fact that the float tipped him forwards, the float was a huge success. He floated in the float for close to 45 minutes. He knew exactly what to do in the float. Once we would step away from him he would kick those feet as hard as he could and move towards us.

Next Finn and Addison played with the pool toys. They didn't exactly play together, instead, they played in close proximity to each other. Addison and I threw the football while Michael and Finn played with the floating fish. I actually ended up poaching most of Finn's bath toys.

Before leaving Michael and Finn went back to the kiddie pool. While there Finn starting talking really loud.

Once we got Finn out of the pool we noticed that his diaper looked just as inflated as his float. It was so full and puffy that it was bulging out of his swimming trunks. We didn't know that babies were suppose to wear 'lil swimmers. FYI - we went and got some the next day. After we got home Finn took a quick bath (it was impossible to get all of the sunscreen out of his hair) and then he took a long nap. The pool absolutely wore him out.

After his nap we met Greg, Shelley and Macey T. for dinner at Shane's. Macey and Finn got a long really well. Finn didn't get jealous when I held Macey and . . .
. . . he didn't seem to mind when Macey grabbed his head.

They also almost managed to share toys.


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