Today I left work at 11:00 and went home to get Finn ready for his big Father's Day weekend. On the way to Manchester we first stopped to visit Michael and his work. Finn spilled yogurt all over Michael's office carpet. Next we went to MJ's to pick up Em and Coop. We put Cooper's car seat in the back of my car right next to Finn. Finn was not really happy about the arrangement and cried all the way from Nashville to Murfreesboro. Every so often I would spy on them in the back seat. Cooper looked angelic, Finn on the other hand had his eyes cut the side as far as he could. He was not about to take his eyes off of that boy.

Finally, after 30 minutes of what I would characterize as "fake crying" Finn gave it up and both boys took a nap. Once we got to Manchester we made a quick stop at Mom's house and then it was off to Dad's.

While we all ate hamburgers Finn and Cooper played with the new toys that Grandad and Gigi got for them. They also got the boys some really cute clothes and Finn got his first pair of Nikes. Finn immediately put on his monkey out and proceeded to get yogurt all over it.

After dinner we took the boys to Gene and Minnie's house. While there Cooper had his innocence stolen from him by their dog Buddy.

It is becoming crystal clear that I am going to have to get a dog - crud.

The rest of evening was very calm. We all sat in the den and watched the boys play. Both of them stayed up way past their bed times.

At one point I looked over and saw that Finn had fallen asleep right in the middle of reading his book. He gets that from his Mama.

Unfortunately for both myself and MJ, neither baby slept very well. Finn and Cooper both woke up around 2:00 and did not got back to sleep until almost 4:00. I think that planned this with each other in advance. At 3:30 I couldn't stand the crying and fussing anymore so I put Finn on the couch with me. When I woke up at 7:00 I looked next to me and saw that Finn was hanging onto the couch by the skin of his teeth. I'm sure glad he didn't fall off, but that'll teach him to beg to sleep with Mama.
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