Almost . . .
Getting closer . . .
Later than night Grandad and GiGi came to spend the night with us. When they got there we put Finn in the stroller and walked him down to the swimming pool. Once at the pool we stripped Finn down to his diaper, rolled our pants legs up and we all dipped our feet in the pool. After Finn was good and tired we took him back up to the house and I gave him a quick bath in the sink.
The next day Finn woke up at 5:00. After telling Grandad goodbye I put Finn in the bed with us and we slept until 7:00. At 8:30 I left for work and Finn spent the day with GiGi. Emily and Cooper also came to hang out with Finn at the swimming pool.
When I got home from work Finn and Gigi had made dinner and we sat at the kitchen table and ate. At 8:00 Finn had been bathed, fed and nursed and we sat down together and watched the Bachelorette with GiGi. Finn was so sweet. He sat facing me in my lap and would put his little hands on my face and talk to me. At 8:45 I put Finn to bed. When I laid him down he looked up and me and smiled sweetly as if to say “thank you for finally putting me in bed.” He didn’t cry at all.
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