This morning Finn woke up with a very runny nose. I didn't pay too much attention to it until he started coughing. I still wasn't ready to admit that Finn was sick until he threw up his cereal. I called the pediatrician and I took Finn in at 2:00. Driving has become quite hazardous since turning Finn around. All I want to do is look at him through the rear view mirror. Today I looked back and saw that Finn was clapping his hands to the music. I have been trying to teach him to clap for weeks now and I was so excited to see him clap that I ran right off the road. Just kidding, but I was really excited.
When we got to the pediatrician's office I was kind of embarrassed to bring him in because he didn't appear sick at all. In fact, he laughed the entire time we were in the waiting room. One couple that I knew from church asked if he was there for his well baby check up.
Once we got back to the exam room, Finn immediately started in on the table paper. Next he discovered a tongue depressor. Okay, he didn't actually discover it, I found it while snooping around and gave it to him. Either way he enjoyed, just like I knew he would. After thoroughly exploring the diaper bag, Finn decided to soak the room. In order to keep him occupied I took him over to the sink and let him play with the faucet. I turned the water on low and Finn stuck his hand in the running water. Then he starting putting the back of his hand right up next to the top the faucet causing water to shoot everywhere. I dried everything up with a paper towel and Finn and I immediately sat down and tried our best to not get into anymore trouble.

During the exam a surprise visitor walked in . . . Dad! Finn was beside himself. Luckily the appointment was almost over because Finn really wanted to hang out with Michael and fussed until he got his way. The doctor told us that Finn didn't have an ear infection but to watch him closely.
Next Finn and I went to Kroger to do our weekly shopping and Michael went home. Half way through the shopping trip we turned the corner and saw Michael walking down the aisle. This was surprise number 2 for the Finnster.
When we got home Finn took a short nap. When he woke up his skin was burning hot so I gave him some Motrin and put him in the sink in some cool water to lower his temperature. Midway through Finn stood up and would not for the life of him sit back down. It was at that moment I heard it . . . plop, plop, plop. Finn, for the first time ever, had sullied his bath water. It was disgusting. He was lathered head to toe with soap and I was trying to hold onto his slick little body all the while trying to ensure that he was not stepping in. Then when I thought it couldn't get any worse he urinated everywhere. Anyone up for supper at my kitchen?
I yelled out the window for Michael to come in a help me. I drained the water and without thinking I turned on disposal. Bad move - it stunk up the whole kitchen. I guess I should be thankful that it didn't throw pieces of poo all over us.
After the bath I noticed that Finn was still a bit fussy. I didn't have anything to offer him, so to speak, so I got a bottle from the fridge. Before I could even get sat down, Finn had pulled the bottle out of my hands and was turning it up. He finished it quickly and cried for another one. 5 bottles of water later, Finn finally started slowing down. I have never seen him drink so much water. I was also flabbergasted that he actually took a bottle from me. He is either growing up or he was so dehydrated that he didn't care. I do think that he was really thirty. He laid in my lap for an hour and drank his little bottles of water.
The water bottles must have done the trick because Finn was no longer fussy. In fact, he was in a great mood. He was cheesing it up all over the place. He even sat in the floor and played while Michael and I had dinner.

When we got home Finn took a short nap. When he woke up his skin was burning hot so I gave him some Motrin and put him in the sink in some cool water to lower his temperature. Midway through Finn stood up and would not for the life of him sit back down. It was at that moment I heard it . . . plop, plop, plop. Finn, for the first time ever, had sullied his bath water. It was disgusting. He was lathered head to toe with soap and I was trying to hold onto his slick little body all the while trying to ensure that he was not stepping in. Then when I thought it couldn't get any worse he urinated everywhere. Anyone up for supper at my kitchen?
I yelled out the window for Michael to come in a help me. I drained the water and without thinking I turned on disposal. Bad move - it stunk up the whole kitchen. I guess I should be thankful that it didn't throw pieces of poo all over us.
After the bath I noticed that Finn was still a bit fussy. I didn't have anything to offer him, so to speak, so I got a bottle from the fridge. Before I could even get sat down, Finn had pulled the bottle out of my hands and was turning it up. He finished it quickly and cried for another one. 5 bottles of water later, Finn finally started slowing down. I have never seen him drink so much water. I was also flabbergasted that he actually took a bottle from me. He is either growing up or he was so dehydrated that he didn't care. I do think that he was really thirty. He laid in my lap for an hour and drank his little bottles of water.
The water bottles must have done the trick because Finn was no longer fussy. In fact, he was in a great mood. He was cheesing it up all over the place. He even sat in the floor and played while Michael and I had dinner.
Cutie boy...look at that toothy grin!!! Babies need more fluids when they have fever, he was probably just thirsty.