The Piano Man

Today we took Finn to stay two whole days and nights with Nana and Papa. Before leaving for Manchester, we said goodbye to Grandad and Gigi, thanked Gigi for keeping Finn for two days while Grandad was in Kentucky and Michael was in Morristown and loaded up the car with all of Finn’s stuff. On the way to Manchester I was sure that Finn had dropped a deuce so we pulled over on the side of the road to change him. I guess my nose was playing tricks on me because he was clean as a whistle.

After putting his diaper back on I decided to stay in the back seat with Finn. He was a little restless, but quickly became interested in a Wendy’s spoon that I found buried in between the seats. Super sanitary!

He also ate several puffs. At first I would hand them to him. He is sol funny when he eats puffs – he takes his first finger and his thumb and pinches them together around the puff – then he puts the puff in his mouth. He missed his mouth several times, but ultimately he was able to throw several back.
After a while he got to where he wanted to get the puffs himself. He was actually able to get his hand into the container and pull out one at a time. Once he was tired of eating, he would drop the puff in the car seat and go after another one.

Once we got to Nana and Papa’s house, Finn sat in the kitchen floor with Nana and Papa and played with his new bongo drums. Right before dinner Nana gave him some yogurt. During dinner Finn made a mess. He tore up a piece of corn bread and got it every where. When we picked him up out of the booster seat pieces of bread were caked to the back of his legs.

Next Nana took Finn to living room to play the piano. Finn LOVED playing the piano. He would take both hands and bang them down on the keys as hard as he could, all while bouncing up and down.

Later than night, Michael and I gave Finn some kisses and we snuck out the backdoor before Finn could see us leave. We peered in at him through the window and he looked appeared to be just fine! We will definitely miss him, but it will be nice to have two whole night of uninterrupted sleep.


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