After forcing Finn to crawl around all day he was understandably tired and took a quick nap in my lap.When I tried to put him in this crib, one little eye popped open, he got a good look at me and started screaming.I knew that a nap was a lost so I went ahead and got him up.Shortly thereafter MJ, Zac and Cooper came to pool to swim.Finn and I went to the pool for about 15 minutes on our way a Sunday School pool party at Sam’s house.It was so much fun hanging in the pool with the girls and the Finnster.Present at the party was Sam, Shelby, Monica, Kristina, Sidney, Lindsey and Courtney. We played pool volleyball, ate snacks and dunked Finn.That’s right, we blew on his face and dunked him under the water. He didn’t cry at all.It kind of reminded me of the Shirley Temple movie “The Little Colonel” when she dunked the boy and asked “are ya saved?”Finn only stayed for about 45 minutes for before Michael came to pick him up.Right before he got there Finn was really tired and just wanted me to hold him. I was playing volleyball with the girls at this point so I decided to put Finn on my hip and keep playing.Without thinking I went diving for a ball that was close to me.Both Finn and I went way under.Unfortunately for Finn I didn’t give him notice that he was about to go under. We had so much fun and I want to thank Sam for throwing a terrific pool party.
Next we laid down in the floor and watched his “Praise Baby” dvd.He was so sweet. He laid on floor, drank his bottle and let me put my arm around him.After the video Finn sat with Dad and played on the computer. Then we went outside to play in the sprinklers.
Next it was time for his bath.Bath time was a disaster today.Immediately after getting Finn out of the bath tub I sat him on the bathroom floor on a towel. What happened next was entirely my fault.As the only adult in the room and as Finn’s mother, I should have known better.I showed a complete lapse in judgment by leaving him diaper-less sitting in the bathroom floor.All I am going to say is thank goodness the bathroom floor is linoleum and I had air freshener handy.Needless to say Finn had two baths in the span of 45 minutes.
After we were all clean and wearing the proper undergarments we went to a house warming party at David and Sharon’s.While at the party Finn had watermelon and got it all over himself.
As a special surprise, Finn had a swing dance lesson with Uncle David.
Seeing as how I am a lousy dancer and Finn was not in a position to lead, we decided to just spin in circles as fast as we could.
Gran's Birthday was Sunday so we decided to celebrate with a family lunch at our house. I made lasagna, kale salad and a strawberry cake with homemade icing. We came home immediately after Sunday School on Sunday and started preparing. Sam, licking icing off of the beater. Unfortunately, these are the only pictures I have. Once everyone arrived I got busy serving and just never picked up my camera. I think that everyone had a good time. Finn and Sam made personalized cards for Gran and James, Chelsea and Cade got Gran a cold brew coffee maker. Pa gave Gran a new computer tower. (Pa could not be at the party - but was there in spirit). It was a nice, relaxing dinner. The boys ate at the bar, while the adults and Will sat at the table. Will enjoyed the lasagna and the cake (of course). After lunch the boys went upstairs while the girls sat in the den at chatted.
Well the Begley clan had a pretty big Fourth of July celebration. Finn and I started the day by making a quick run to Wal-Mart to pick up some oatmeal. Then we got ready for our day with with Emily, Zac, Coop, Hank, Nana and Papa. We all met over at Em's house for a little playing, a little swimming and a lot of eating. When we first got there we all sat upstairs and watched the boys play in Cooper's playroom. Finn was absolutely amazed at all the toys. Then we decided to go to the pool. After getting the boy lathered up, we all loaded in the back of Zac's truck like the Clampetts and headed to the pool. With respect to those who would rather not be seen in a bathing suit on the blog, I have omitted the swimming pictures. We didn't get to swim too terribly long because it started looking like it was going to storm so we were only out for an hour. Once we got back home we had dinner. Greg made the best ribs I have ever put in my mouth. To end the evening Finn an...
Yesterday we took the boys to Ghouls at Grassmere. Day started out pretty traumatic for Sam. He wanted to go out and play. He started to notice that there were several little worms on the porch. He was terrified that the worms were going to get him so he sat in the porch swing with me for almost an hour. Finn spent his time finding worms and then stepping on them. Michael doesn't like for Finn to kill worms because they aren't hurting anything. I reminded Finn of this fact and told him not to kill any more worms. After a few minutes I start to hear more crunching. I decide to take a different approach. I told Finn, "Finn - the momma worm is going to be so sad because you killed the baby." He looks at me and said, "don't worry mom - I'm gonna kill the momma too." So much for the guilt trip. After a nap, it was time to start getting ready for the Zoo. We started with the tights. I bought Finn little girl...
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