Head of the Class

It has been agreed upon that I, dad, would do the blog today given the circumstances. I plan to caption most of these pics then bust out some comments at the end. Mom made some breakfast this morning, and here is a mid-grubbage shot.

Another pic of one of the generally happiest kids I have ever seen. I guess he takes after his mom...

No idea why he was laughing this hard.

Since we had too many pancakes, and I (for once) did not act as the human garbage disposal, we hooked Finn up with one.

Just like with paper, Finn proceeds to peel it apart piece by piece.

Eventually he gets around to the usual - putting it in his mouth. He can eat a lot of stuff now, and he can have some whole milk. We are quickly transitioning into being a bona-fide little boy. finn also tries to pull himself up a lot now. Today he had his first real spill. He banged his forehead into the TV cabinet and had quite a cry. He now sports a nice battle scar above his right eye.

All of that head bonking and pancake eating had clearly taken its toll.

Here we have somehow gotten ourselves stuck. We can't crawl right yet, but we also can't just sit down on our bottom. So I guess it's ab workout time.

What's the age you can get a permit? I guarantee you you're looking at a better driver than most people on I-65. For father's day, I got a picture/card from Finn, and I think we're going to get family pics later.

Since our bathtub isn't quite this big, you can gather that we went to the pool. And no, Finn is not sinking. It's just a low-rider. Gran came out to the pool for a while to hang out too.

Fiin also visited the grocery store tonight, where he saw James and Chelsea.

I think this jar is supposed to be lasagna...yuck.

Finn and the cat have a lot of things in common right now, and one of them is playing with the groceries.

I will say that having a child is a special thing in a number of ways. Having such a great wife makes it that much more special. I pray that I will be worthy of raising you, Finn, and any future children I may have. I pray that love will always be the number one thing you remember about your parents. Friends, bullies, tests, sports, activities, church camps - I pray that we will always be there for you. I pray that you will come to know Christ as your personal savior and let him use you. I look forward to sharing new experiences with you like the zoo and the outdoors. It will be a great excuse to go fishing again and do things like that. I hope that you will know you can always talk to me if need advice, or just need to get something off your chest.

Obviously I'm writing most of this to Finn, but I would like to thank the various grandparents, family, and friends for all of you support (especially during his surgery). It's weird, but I can hardly remember life before Finn. While it was nice to sleep whenever we wanted, go out, and generally do as we pleased, it seems almost boring now. I will now disappear for a while again, and I apologize for my lame post. On that note, who doesn't think mom has a gift with the humor on this blog?


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