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Today Finn let me give him a bottle of breastmilk. He snuggled up in my lap and took it willingly. The nursing days are definitely coming to an end. I set out to breastfeed for a year, but I don't know if I will make it. I will miss nursing him but bottle feeding is sweet too.

Earlier in the day we took to the Finn to pool and he played in the water for about an hour and half. I think that he is happiest when he is in the water. Today Finn went down the slide twice, once with me and once with Michael; he really wasn't impressed at all. He did enjoy playing with nets under the play area. He started to get tired around 11:30 so we put him the stroller and took him home. He was asleep before he go home.

He took about at two hour nap and then spent the rest of the either day playing the floor or sitting in my lap. Before bed he sat in the floor and watched Toy Story and played with his golf ball.


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