Even though Finn was pretty interested in his new toy, he still prefers to play with random items around the house, i.e. paint brushes, measuring cups, door stoppers (he learned that from Kodiak), etc. He also really likes books, especially the ones that play music. We keep a stack of about 15 books next to his play area in the den. He will scoot over to the stack of books and pick out the two (2) that play music. I think that Finn's fascination with books centers around a) the pictures, and b) the fact that he can turn the pages - he LOVES to turn pages.
After his bath, I left Finn in the den while I went to fix his oatmeal. When I got back I saw that Finn had found a bottle and was sound asleep in the floor; another first. Unfortunately I had to wake him up to feed him. He was so tired, he kept nodding off in his high chair.
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