The Summit

I lost Finn this morning. I was sitting on the couch, half awake, drinking a cup of coffee when I noticed that Finn was not in his usual spot. Before sitting down with my coffee I set Finn down on a blanket in the middle of the living room floor. I figured that he had just wandered a few feet to the right or left, but a quick scan revealed nothing. Moments later I heard the pitter-patter of little hands slapping the floor behind me. Finn had made his way behind the couch and according to this body language, was contemplating climbing the stairs. I really wasn't all that concerned because Finn had just started crawling the day before; there was no way that he was going to be able to climb those stairs. I clearly underestimated the power to peer pressure. It was at that moment Kodiak darted past Finn and ran up the stairs. Much to my shock and horror, Finn started climbing after him.

Upon seeing that Finn was actually able to climb, I did what any careful parent would do - I ran and got the camera.

No need to call Children's Services. Even though it looks like Finn is hanging on for his life, I assure you that he was perfectly secure.

Finn did great, he climbed up nine (9) stairs before those little chunky legs gave out. Other than a few balance checks near the end, he really didn't need any help; well that is except for this four legged motivation.
Next I got Finn all ready to go to church. Michael spent the morning with Gran, so Finn and I were on our own for Sunday School. Finn refused to take a nap before church, and opted instead to catch a power nap on the way to church. He was less than pleased that I woke him up only to leave him in the dreaded nursery. FYI, this was Finn's first day back in the nursery since the surgery.

I made the cardinal mistake of checking on him after Sunday School. When I poked my head around the corner I saw Finn in an exersaucer in the back of the nursery bawling his eyes out. It was at that point I broke my "nursery" rule which is to never take your child out of the nursery unless they call. But in that moment I was heartbroken and I had to get him. I hope I didn't offend the nursery workers.

So, we tried our luck at taking Finn into the sermon. He loved the musical portion; he danced and bounced and made all sorts of happy baby noises, which was fine because the music drowned them out. After the music was over, the sweet, happy baby noises, while still sweet and happy sounding, became distracting and annoying prompting us to watch the sermon in the foyer while Finn played in the floor. You would know that he was silent as a mouse sitting in the foyer.

Apparently we weren't the only parents with this idea. Near the end of the service a mother and her eight (8) month old baby joined us in the foyer. Her son crawled right over to Finn and starting smiling at him. Finn panicked, grabbed my leg and started climbing.

The rest of the afternoon was pretty normal - nap, lunch, snack, farm video, that is until dinner. For some reason Finn fell asleep during supper. I noticed that his little head was nodding, but I thought that he was just playing. I guess he was tireder than he let on because he literally fell asleep eating from a spoon. At first I was really worried that something was wrong with him. A few minutes earlier he had bumped his forehead on the hardwood, and I was convinced that the sudden sleepiness was an indication of a concussion. I immediately woke him up and put him in the bathtub. As it turns out he was fine, just really sleepy. I will however, keep an eye on him the rest of the evening.

Nice booger Finn.


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