Finn's new carseat

Today Finn and I went to a pre-yard sale at my friend Tonya's neighbor's house. We have been needing a car seat for a long time so I was so happy to find a great one at the fantastic price of $7.00! I also got him some board books, swimming trunks and some clothes for next fall. Finn also got to play with Tonya's daughter Ava while I shopped.

Afterwards we went home to install the car seat. It didn't come with instructions so I looked them up online. This car seat has anchor clips that clip right onto the anchors in your car. That sounds easy enough. So I spent 15 minutes looking for the anchors. When I couldn't find them I got back online and watched a video about how to install a car seat with the hopes that this would give me some indication of where the anchors were located. The video was very instructional. I learned that all cars manufactured after 2002 had anchors in them. Our car was manufactured in 1996, thus no anchors. So on to plan B which was to string the seatbelt behind the car seat. That worked pretty good, but it could stand to be pulled tighter. While driving down the road I noticed that Finn and the car seat were starting to tip the right.

Next we went to meet Brandon, Carissa and Addison for dinner. I was really excited about putting Finn in his new car seat because it faces forward. At first he was really excited to see us looking back at him. Michael would look at him through the rear view mirror. Finn sat back there and talked up a storm to us. After a little bit he wised up to the fact that we are just out of arms reach. He would look at me and fuss and reach. Now that he can see us while in the car he is less satisfied sitting in the backseat.

When we got to restaurant we took Finn out of the carseat. His arms and legs were ice cold. We always turn the air vents on high to keep him cool in the backseat. However, he usually sits facing backwards. Now that he is facing forward the air blows directly on him. We will have to turn it way down.

We met Brandon and Carissa at O'Charley's, but when we found out how long the wait was going to be we walked across the street to Chili's. Finn loved crossing the street. I don't know why he thought it was so fun but he laughed all the way across.

Finn was almost a perfect angel during dinner. We ordered him a kids cup and he drank quite a bit of water from the cup. Finn was also a bit destructive. He grabbed Addison's menu and tore a corner off of it. To top the evening off he ate all the coasters.


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