
Tonight I went to a bible study so I didn't have a lot of time to spend with Finn. So . . . in order to capitalize of the small amount of time I had I put Finn in the kitchen floor while I cooked dinner. Instead of hanging out with me Finn scooted his little body over to his float. (Don't ask me why the float was in the kitchen. Those of you who know me are probably not surprised.) I have a few pictures to demonstrate Finn's scooting. As you can see, he lays on his belly, plants his hands on the floor and pushes himself backwards causing his belly to slide on the tile. I guess this is an acceptable alternative to crawling for the time being.

This is a picture of Finn's new favorite past-time. I have learned that when I raise both of my arms in the air Finn raises his arms too. He thinks this is hilarious. After a while he started raising his hands on his own so Michael and I had no choice but to raise ours. Now every time Finn raises his arms we do it to. Tonight during dinner Finn raised his arms about 20 times in a row. Don't tell Finn but I am confident we either looked ridiculous or crazy.
Since Finn was having a such a good time playing with his float we thought that it might be fun to actually put him in it. Finn did not think it was fun.


  1. So nice of Finn to train you to raise your arms when he does. Babies are so smart and mine trained me to do the same thing. Funny how quickly they learn things like that.


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