5th Anniversary

Today is our 5th wedding anniversary. Just think, at this time last year, I was pitching a fit about flowers :) Heaven knows why Michael ever married me.

For our anniversary weekend, Michael rented a cabin in Gatlinburg. It is the neatest cabin I have ever seen!!!! It would recommend it to anyone that is looking for rest and relaxation. The minute we walked in the door we knew we were in the right place. The whole cabin is geared toward napping. The lighting is soft, the shades keep the sun out and the stained glass windows really filter the bright light. The cabin smells of cedar, it is immaculately clean and the decorations are charming. The cabin is very small, but the layout is incredible. This cabin is proof that great things really do come in small packages. The bedroom is incredible. It is almost completely enclosed in a gingerbread house and is raised two feet off of the main level. It has a flat screen TV in the corner, windows that look out into the den and stained glass windows on the roof. The mattress is very squishy and the pillows are feather.

The other thing that is really great about the cabin is couples booth. When we arrived the table was set and they had left us biscotti in the coffee cups. There is a hot tub out back too. Even though we are only a half of a mile from the main drag in Gatlinburg, we are completely secluded. So, if any of you married folks are considering going on a fun little getaway, give this place a try. I have uploaded a video to YouTube at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egpCaGGuUrs (copy and paste into the browser).

The den

The couples booth.

The kitchen

Outside of the bedroom.

We arrived at around 3:30. A few hours later we went to Wal-Mart to pick up groceries. For dinner we stopped at the mellow mushroom for some pizza.

When we got back to the cabin, we turned the air conditioning down to 70 degrees, put on long sleeved shirts, and settled in for the evening. There is no cable in the cabin, but they have netflix streaming into the X-box. So as a nightcap, I cut a piece of the cake that they made for us and we watched the first episode of LOST.

This is a picture of the top of the den.
These are just a few random pictures from the inside the gingerbread house. I call it, "view from your back."


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