Finn has been really difficult to feed over the last few days; today was no exception. I'm not sure why, but Finn hasn't had any interest in eating from a spoon even though he acts like he is starving. My theory is that Finn is sick of baby food and he is ready to feed himself, which would be great if he could eat enough to actually get full. It seems like we are constantly getting Finn ready for a meal that he promptly refuses to eat. Here is a picture of Finn eating cheese, crackers and Excedrin for lunch. He devoured the cheese.

Today Finn got a new toy! It is white and gray and furry, it makes noise and it can move independent of Finn. Best of all, it fits in his toy box. Finn sat and played with this "new toy" while watching the second Night at the Museum.

After a short nap, we all went to Qdoba's for lunch. Finn was a little restless so I started giving him a few black beans from my salad. While digging for the black beans I found three or four huge red onions in my salad. For fun I gave one to Finn and much to my horror he ate it! This is evidence that Finn was switched at birth. There is no way that any child of mine could eat an onion that big without dry heaving or at least making a terrible face and spitting it out.
About 20 minutes later I saw that same piece of red onion on Finn's shirt. I was so relieved - he actually is mine.
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