Ten Months

Today Finn turned ten (10) months old and he woke up super early this morning in anticipation of big celebration. Unfortunately for Finn, none was to be had. Instead, Finn got to watch me work out. He fussed the entire time. To make it up to him I let him play in the pantry.

Then I let him play with my shoe string.
Finally, he played with a used paper plate that he probably dug out of the trash.
Next, Finn slept for approximately an hour while I rocked him. Then we went to meet Mom, MJ and Coop at Pei Wei in Murfreesboro for lunch. Finn ate an orange and a fortune cookie.
Cooper enjoyed his time playing with the table.
After lunch we went shopping. Neither me nor MJ brought strollers so we had to carry those heavy boys the entire time. At one point we let them crawl around in the customer service area. Finn would crawl and Coop would be hot on his heels.


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