Oh I Just Can't Wait to be King

Finn was up at 4:45 again this morning, which was really unfortunate for both Michael and I since I spent the entire night hugging the porcelain thrown. I still felt pretty bad the next morning so I only worked a half day. I came back home at 12:00 and took a nice long nap. When I woke up from my nap, I sat at the top of the stairs and watched Finn play in the den. I love watching him play when he doesn't know I am looking. At a few minutes he spotted me and started laughing and banging his hands on the coffee table. Next he and Gran went to Wal-Mart so that I could get a little bit more rest.

When Finn got home we put him in his new play area. Now that Finn pulls up on everything we are starting to worry about him banging his head on the sharp corners of the TV cabinet.

In order to keep him away from the corners he blockaded him with our two ottomans. Here is a picture of Finn playing in his new play area while watching "Friday Night Lights."

This is a picture of Finn attempting to catch flies. Actually, I think that this picture was mid "up."
Finn also tortured Kodiak while Kodiak was trying to rest in the diaper box.
He did everything in his power to feed Kodiak the orange foam piece.

It was about this time that Kodiak really tried to bite Finn.
Here is a picture of Finn either mid fall or mid "up".

Finn generally had a really fun night, that is until bedtime. As usual he cried when we put him down for the evening. But after a few minutes I noticed that the crying was noticeably much louder. I peeked my head around the corner to see Finn standing up in his crib, reaching his arms out and desperately calling for his Mama. It is a whole lot easier to let him crying it out when he isn't reaching and calling for me.
As you can see, we didn't properly execute the "Ferber method" last night.


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