Finn + Food + Family + Fireworks + 4th = a good time
I bet you thought I would say fun; and fun we had.
Today was Finn's first 4th of July. We started the day off by examining his foot. I didn't see any bruising or swelling, which was a relief. He really didn't seem better, but he didn't appear to be worse either. We will continue to monitor.
After church we went to the Begley's to have brunch with Pa. Pa came home for the holiday weekend so Deniece and I cooked breakfast for the family. Mimi and Grandmother Bryant joined us as well. During breakfast Finn sat in his highchair and fed crackers to the dogs. He thought that was really fun. I think that subconsciously he knew that he wasn't suppose to do it, which made it all the more exciting.
Next we came back to the house so that Finn could take a nap. Finn didn't nap at all, but I ended up taking almost a three (3) hour nap. WOW.
Next it was time for fireworks. This was Finn's first big fireworks show. I think that he was a little scared because he clung pretty close to us the whole time. The fireworks display was spectacular.
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