Erin and Michael left for Gatlinburg this morning for a romantic, anniversary weekend. I am keeping Finn this weekend and one of the privaledges that comes with this newfound responsibility is blogging - Yes! I am in charge!
To avoid tears and anxiety upon his parents' departure I decided to let Finn go for a swim in the tub. It worked! No tears.

After helping me close up the house, Finn and I were off to church to set up the parlor for a baby shower.

"I don't know about you but I'm ready to leave."

Telling Mrs. Betty good-bye after a hard morning of decisions, and setting up.

Tapped out!

After a light lunch, and a good nap, Finn was ready to get his day started.
He played with the new toys;

climbed the stairs all the way to the top (twice);

discovered that a good looking boy lived up there;

welcomed Papa when he got home from work;

chewed on some paper, (courtesy of a local candidate for judge);

talked on the phone;

and discovered the joys of Turner Classic movies. Here we see that Finn is enthralled by a 1947 black and white version of Beauty and the Beast.
Finn is napping peacefully now.
To be continued.............
Leah, You are doing a great job. I see where Erin gets her humor from! Love you, Laura