
Today is day four (4) of "project dry-up." (Maybe I should have T-shirts made). While I have been dreading this since Finn was born, it really hasn't been all that bad. And while I'm on the topic, sleeping with cabbage in your bra isn't nearly as dreadful as it sounds. The only downside to this whole process is that I have to get up earlier in the mornings. Normally, when Finn wakes up I nurse him in bed while catching an extra hour of sleep. Now, when he gets up I have to get up to fix him a bottle. This morning in particular, Finn was up around 5:00. I got up with him and made us both breakfast. After we finished I went to the kitchen to start unloading the dishwasher. When I came back for my dish I saw this . . .

Finn had quietly moseyed over to my bowl and was eating the leftover oat bran. I'll give it him, he really likes fiber. Must be a family trait.

Today was his short day with Victoria, so we were able to spend some quality time together this afternoon. On our way home I was determined to not let Finn fall asleep in the car. I put my rearview mirror on him and monitored all the way home. When we were about 5 miles from home Finn started to struggle. In order to keep him up I reached behind me and tickled his feet, I turned the air up, and I sang "Fat Bottom Girls"on the top of lungs because it was on the radio. He thought the whole process was amusing and would try his hardest to laugh. He could only manage a grin because he was so tired. He nodded off several times, but in the end I emerged victorious. When we got home Finn helped me with the shredding. . .
With the human garbage disposal around, there is no need to worry about your identity being stolen. This what was left of my bank statement. What he didn't eat, he shoved up his nose.
He also managed to chew up two (2) Styrofoam cups and fall face first into the cabinet all while I was cooking dinner. All I could see was legs flailing about. After dinner Finn played in his jungle gym and tortured his kitties.

Finn was exhausted by 6:30, probably because he was up for an hour and half last night at around midnight, so I gave him a bottle at 7:00 and he was sound asleep by 7:15.


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