Red Neck Pool Party

Today Finn woke up at 4:45 and had absolutely no intention of going back to sleep. I hope this doesn't become a habit. Around 8:00 I made some oatbran for breakfast. Right after I had made it I heard my phone ring so I went upstairs to get it. When I got back downstairs I didn't see Finn sitting in his honorary stop. In the span of a just a couple of minutes Finn had crawled all the way across the room, pulled himself up onto the ottoman and was digging around in my oatbran.

He ended up getting the spoon out of the bowl and threw oatbran everywhere.
Next went to Aunt Tracey's for the Vaughn family semi-annual "red neck pool party." I did not post all of the pictures that I wanted to because we a deal that we would not post pictures of each other in our bathing suits. The ones that I did post show next to nothing.

When he got there Finn, Cooper and Rex looked at Rex's tractor book.

Unfortunately Finn was in a really nervous and cried for the first hour. He wouldn't let me put him down at all. After he had lunch, he behaved much better.

Look how much fun he had hanging out in the raft. This is a picture of the whole rag-tag crew.
Finn also experienced his first whirlpool.

Even though he looks burned in this picture, I assure you that it is just the tint of the sun shining through the umbrella.

Finn really enjoyed sitting on the side of the pool and kicking his feet in the water.
We also worked on teaching Finn how to float. At one point Finn was sitting on the deck and fell in head first. At that point I rolled him over to see if he could float on his back. Luckily he didn't sink; but he really didn't float either. I would characterize it more as bobbing. He would go under and then bob back up.

He also spent time with his favorite cousin Caleb and the cousin that he is quickly taking a liking too - Kara.

No, Finn is not body surfing. Kara is holding him up from under the water. Looks pretty real though.

Barring the first hour, Finn had a great time! He was absolutely exhausted by the time I got him home. He didn't cry at all when I put him to bed.


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