The Horticulterist attends a Birthday Party

Today (Friday, July 16) is Gran's birthday! Finn, Michael and I spent all day trying to hide the fact that we were throwing a surprise birthday party. Everyone was in on it. Tommy, David, Sharon, James, Chelsea, Brother Tim and Jean, Mimi and Grandmother, Lois, and Angie, Joel and Autumn Rose.

I was sure that Gran would know something was up when she saw my super clean kitchen and well stocked fridge. I left work around 3:00 to come home and prepare for the party. After Gran left Finn and I did some house cleaning. Just like before, Finn was fascinated with my dirty pile. However, being the ol' pro I made sure to not leave the dirt pile unattended. But alas, Finn figured out how to hoodwink me. As I was sweeping, Finn would crawl next to me and grab little pieces of dirt out of the pile while on the move. Insert the sound of complete frustration.

Later than evening Michael came home with flowers. . . Finn spent a great deal of time examining them.

Then he spent some time ripping the petal's off.
I love this picture because it captures the "essence" of the Finnster. Just like his dad, always the skeptic.

But he has a good bit of his mom in him too; just check out that cheesy grin.

Next we got Finn ready for the party and waited for the guests to arrive.

The party was set to start at approximately 7:00. By 7:15 everyone was at our house except for Deniece Tim and Jean. They had taken her out for her birthday to Red Lobster. Michael asked Brother Tim to bring Deniece by the house after dinner. Unfortunately Michael failed to mention which "house" he actually meant. Needless to say the three of them sat at Begley house for 30 minutes waiting for a big group of people to jump out from behind the furniture. After a few phone calls Deniece arrived at the house and we started the party. Finn was allowed to stay up a little past his bedtime. It was a really fun night! Pa, we missed you!


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