This is a picture of Finn playing with the new car balloon.

I really don't have a lot to blog about today because Finn has been really whiny. He gets mad about everything. I am really over this fit throwing stage. So instead of regaling you with stories of Finnster's fits, I will just give some updates. Finn has learned to fake laugh and it is so loud and adorable. He is really picking up the speed while crawling - I will get right behind him and chase him through the house.

This slinky was the only way that I could get Finn to eat any solid foods today.

This is a picture of Finn trying to escape from his mean, mean, Mama.
Finn may grow up to be magician. While Gran was giving Finn his bottle today I noticed that he was drinking really fast. We both commented on how quickly Finn was drinking. As it turns out, the nipple didn't fit right and Finn was pouring it all over himself.