Bad Habits

Up until today I thought that we were safely past the "pacifier phase." I was so happy that Finn never got attached to either a pacifier or his thumb. It looks like I may have spoken too soon. Today while Finn was getting a bath in the sink he found one of the nipples to the his bottle. He stuck his thumb into the nipple and then stuck both into his mouth; two bad habits in one! I wouldn't be concerned but for the fact that Finn has started using his bottle as a pacifier. He would suck air out of that thing all day long if we'd let him. I truly hope that Finn savored the moment with the make shift pacifier, because I am nipping this in the bud immediately.
At least Finn is not selfish with this pacifier. He really enjoyed offering it to me and then putting it back in his mouth as quickly as possible. This little activity made him laugh so hard.

After Finn's bath we got him ready to go eat dinner at Demos' with Greg, Shelley and Macey T. While at dinner Finn got his own place mat and crayons.

Finn was so well behaved tonight. He sat quietly in this high chair, ate his crackers and drank his bottle.
As you can see he propped his bottle on the table and spent most of the evening finishing it off.

This is a picture of Finn staring in amazement as Macey T. demonstrates her ability to use any object, her Dad in this case, as a jungle gym. She is the best little mover I have ever seen.
By the time we got home Finn was sound asleep. He must have been completely exhausted because he didn't wake up when we got him out of his car seat; he didn't wake up when I took his clothes off of him; and he didn't wake up when I changed his diaper. Weird. I think that I might have brought the wrong child home from the restaurant.


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