The "Bibbster" . . .
. . . not to be confused with the "Finnster"

Tonight Finn wore his "Molly Bibs" bib for the first time. This was a baby gift from his cousin Kara. It is brown with a giraffe on the front. Kara, I must admit that this bib is not conducive to feeding. While, the bib is extremely practical and cute, it was next to impossible to feed Finn while he is wearing it. He is completely enamored! He would strain his entire face to look at the giraffe. Then he would take both hands and pet the bib. In between what bites I could sneak into his mouth, he would chew on it.
Finn had a ball in this bib!!!! Thanks cuz!

You may be asking, what is Finn so happy about? Well, Michael was pretending to attack me from behind. Finn thought it was hilarious to watch his dad pretend to attack his mom. Charming.
Tonight Finn wore his "Molly Bibs" bib for the first time. This was a baby gift from his cousin Kara. It is brown with a giraffe on the front. Kara, I must admit that this bib is not conducive to feeding. While, the bib is extremely practical and cute, it was next to impossible to feed Finn while he is wearing it. He is completely enamored! He would strain his entire face to look at the giraffe. Then he would take both hands and pet the bib. In between what bites I could sneak into his mouth, he would chew on it.
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