All Boy
How is it that little boys instinctively know how to play with balls and cars. Finn has been playing with balls for a while now. He will pick up his ball and say "ba." Today when Finn and I got home from work, Finn started playing with his truck. He would crawl around on his hands and knees and push that little truck around.
Today was a fun day for Finn. I picked him up from Victoria's at 12:00 and the two of us went straight to the courthouse to file a few motions. Finn was big hit with all those stodgy lawyers, but he enjoyed Office Gilley the most. Officer Gilley let Finn play with his bear figurine.
Finn also slammed his fingers in the desk drawer today. While I was responding to emails, Finn sat in my lap and rummaged through the desk drawer. The next thing I know Finn has slammed the drawer shut with all four of his fingers inside. He looked back at me in a panic and then he opened his mouth as wide as he could. He didn't cry, he didn't fuss, he just sat there with this worried look on his face with his mouth wide open. It was so funny. I couldn't hardly get the drawer open for laughing so hard.
After dinner Finn helped me load the dishwasher. Or maybe I should say, I would load something into the dishwasher and Finn would immediately take something out.
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