A Boy and his Pepper
This morning Finn and I were up at 6:00. At around 8:00 we were both bored so we went to town to browse around and get Dad a drink. When we got home I made Finn a morning snack of cut up lunch meat and cheese. He picked out and ate every piece of cheese, but left the meat untouched - pickkkkyyy. Next we took Finn's high chair out to the garage while I cleaned it out. It was pretty hot today so Finn didn't stay too long. While I was finishing up, Michael attempted to put Finn down for his nap. He doesn't do all that great napping for us on the weekends. My theory is that he wants to spend every moment he can with us.
Finn has also made it clear that he is only going to eat on his terms. He eats plenty, but he sure makes us work for it. For example, some times in order to get Finn to eat we have to entertain him; today we gave him a pepper. Of course the first thing he did was put it in his mouth. I watched him chew and waited for the other shoe to drop. He didn't love it, but he certainly liked it better than the mixed vegetables that we were feeding him. I think that Finn is starting to tire of baby food.
One thing he really liked about the pepper was playing with a.k.a squishing the stuff inside.

After lunch we all went grocery shopping. Then I came home and prepared dinner while Michael gave Finn a bath.
We are now on day six (6) of the dry-up, I feel great, but Finn is starting to realize that something is missing. Now when I rock him to sleep, after finishing his bottle he gets really restless and starts biting on my shirt. He doesn't cry or fuss, but he knows that his routine has changed in a big way. For the past few nights I give Finn his bottle and Michael rocks him to sleep. It works well, but I miss rocking him. I know that it is only a few nights, but I want every opportunity to sit and rock him while he will still let me.
Look how long he is getting. I remember when he was half as long as the boppy.
We put Finn to bed at around 8:30. At 9:30 he woke up. I was kind of happy, because he was still sleepy, but just wanted to be held. So I got him out of his crib, took him downstairs and rocked him back to sleep. It was great.
We are now on day six (6) of the dry-up, I feel great, but Finn is starting to realize that something is missing. Now when I rock him to sleep, after finishing his bottle he gets really restless and starts biting on my shirt. He doesn't cry or fuss, but he knows that his routine has changed in a big way. For the past few nights I give Finn his bottle and Michael rocks him to sleep. It works well, but I miss rocking him. I know that it is only a few nights, but I want every opportunity to sit and rock him while he will still let me.
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