Observe this sweet child. He sits quietly with his toys. He is still.
He has been up 5 minutes.
Things are about to change.

After breakfast and a bath, he hid in the closet.

He tried, but failed, to get past the barricade erected for his safety.

After a trip to the neighbors house, and the Kake Lady, Finn delighted my good friend and expert framer Delores Shelton. We went to pick out a frame and this was the first time she had met Finn. Finn was a big help.
A trip to Walmart and then it was back home for lunch.

Be not deceived..... This was merely a 15 minute power nap.

Finn proceeded to do card tricks,

and play Solitaire.

He played in the dishwasher

Every drawer was opened and and explored.

No drawer was safe.

For some of his work he needed glasses.

Every nook and cranny was explored.
He was relentless.
No stone was left unturned.

He even rearranged the refrigerator.

A perfect ending to a marathon day!
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