8 Months Old

Today Finn is eight (8) months old. I can't believe how fast it is going. If I think about it too much I get depressed, so that is all I am going to say about that.

This morning was my first hearing in circuit court. I was thoroughly drained after finishing up so I decided to drop in and hangout with Finn for a few minutes before going back to the office. He gets so excited when we pop in during the day. I get so tickled at him. He opens his mouth really wide and bounces when he sees us walk through the door.

This afternoon while nursing Finn I pulled off the rest of his steri-strips. He didn't cry, flinch or fuss so I guess it didn't hurt him. His incision cite looks really good other than the very noticeable spot that doesn't have any hair growing on it. After taking the strips off I noticed that Finn didn't have any hair growing under the top pieces. When his hair really starts to grow in he is going to look really funny.

You can really see the difference in this picture.

Finn has not been at all interested in eating solid foods today. Which is ironic given the fact that I only took pictures of Finn in his highchair. We had a standoff at dinner and I won, meaning, he just didn't eat. Finn wanted to nurse, but I stood my ground. He always wants to nurse more on Mondays. After dinner we all went outside to pull weeds. Tonight was much more fun because it was cool. Finn sat on his quilt and played with a teaspoon and bottle lid for almost 45 minutes. Then out of nowhere it started thundering. I think the thunder startled Finn a bit because I saw him intently staring in the direction he heard the thunder. Mere seconds later it started to rain. We let Finn sit in the rain for a few minutes before bringing him in. We would have left him longer but our neighbors came out and we didn't want them to think that we were unfit parents. I don't think that Finn even noticed the rain.

Just check out how nice and round that little head is. I have put some of his old pictures up to compare. The shape of his head is so different. I used the water pictures because his hair is laying flat to his head and you can see the difference. See how narrow the back of is head was.


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