
If you are interested in what Finn was up to today you will have to ask Michael because I spent almost all day in bed. Between catching up from the all the lost sleep in the hospital and the splitting heading I was probably awake for three (3) hours. When Finn would get hungry Michael would lay him next to me and Finn would eat until he fell asleep. At one point I opened my eyes and saw Fannie laying across Finn. Neither seemed to mind.

After my eight (8) hours nap, Michael, Finn and I met Brandon, Carissa and Addison at Buffalo Wild Wings, or as my friends from the north say BW3's. As we were putting Finn in his high chair we noticed something seedy and yellow and on his leg. Then we noticed the same mystery substance on the inside of Michael's upper arm. We were horrified when we saw an enormous spot on Michael's shirt. Finn must have missed his diaper completely. I took both Finn and Michael into the women's restroom to clean them up. We were able to change Finn into a clean shirt, but Michael had no other choice than eat dinner in his sullied T-shirt.

When we got home Finn spent some time playing with his blocks on our bed. I didn't take a lot a pictures of Finn today so I posted several of him playing with his blocks, complete with the play-by-play.

Here we see that Finn has spotted the blocks inside the pale.

Watch as Finn triumphantly removes a block from the pale. The excitement is palpable.

And now, Finn thoughtfully returns the block to the pale. Fascinating.

Just look at the sense of accomplishment on Finn's face.

Definitely running low on material.

I want to thank Victoria and Amy for bringing us dinner today. I also want to thank Victoria for organizing dinners for us for the rest of the week. We love you and we couldn't do it without you! No really, you should see my cupboards.


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