Addison's Third Birthday Party

Today Mama took me with her to Sunday School. I definitely want to go to Mama's Sunday School class instead of going to the nursery because I got to see all the girls and they brought me a ton of food. They waited on me hand and foot and best of all I got to see Victoria. I sat in my booster chair next to Mama and tried my best to behave. I lasted 15 whole minutes. I am certain that my Mama was proud of me. She later told me she wasn't.

After church Mama and Dad took me to Verizon Wireless. Aunt Em gave Mama her old phone and Mama went to have it hooked up. I fell asleep in the car so Dad stayed with me while Mama went in. She was in there forever . . . thanks Aunt Em.

Next Mama and Dad took me to the loudest place on earth . . . Chuck E. Cheese for my buddy Addison's birthday party.

It was so much fun . . . well that is at first. I got to ride on this frog thing that went in circles. I overheard Dad say that he was dizzy from following me around.
Next Mama put me on the race horse. Dad didn't think it was a good idea because he thought I was too little. I probably am, but Mama insisted. She held on to real tight.
It was smooth sailing until Dad put a quarter in the horse and it took off. I had to hold on for dear life. Then when I thought it couldn't get any worse that horse jumped.
When the horse stopped I was so happy to be safe and sound that I reached for the first person I saw . . . Chase. I haven't really wanted to hang out with too many people since I got my head shaved. Mom and Dad were shocked that I wanted to see Chase. But they shouldn't be, Chase is funny.
Next I got my picture taken and they put in on a credit card thingy that said "backstage pass." It was a terrible picture of me. Dad thought I looked like a ghost.
Then we went to look at the weird monkey thing. It scared me a little bit.
Finally, I flew a jet.
Next we went to eat Pizza. This where things started to go South. Right next to the table was a huge purple gorilla that played the drums - he had a band with him too. I didn't like it one bit. I didn't cry, but I had my eye on those guys. Then this big mouse called Chuck E. came out and sang to Addison. I liked him from a distance but Mama made me get my picture taken with him.
She really should have known better.
Mama is mean.
Happy Birthday Addison!!! Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party, I had a great time!

Mama here. Today was the first time I have ever seen Finn act jealous. While Michael was holding Finn I picked up Giada (Jeremy and Martha's daughter). When Finn saw me hold he Giada, he went from being happy and pleasant to needy and fussy. He immediately reached for me and started crying.


  1. For some reason...I'm reading your blog in my head using a Forrest Gump accent. I really feel like at the moment that is what Finn sounds like. hahahah.


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