Mother's Day

Today is my first Mother's Day. To be perfectly honest Mother's Day didn't feel any different than any other Sunday morning. I thought that I would feel all motherly but I didn't. Nevertheless I still had a great time celebrating Mother's Day with my family.

The day started with breakfast with Laura and Johnny. Next MJ, Coop, Finn and I gave Mama her presents. We gave her a professional picture of Finn and Coop, a perfect brownie pan (as seen on TV!) and a Belk Gift Card.

In honor of Mother's Day, Finn wore his surgery donut as a party hat. He looks very King Tut like. Next we started getting ready for church. Finn took a bath in Laura's sink.
After everyone was clean and fed we headed off to church to listen to Tracey, Anna, Megan and MJ sing the annual Mother's Day song. During church Finn gave me my Mother's Day gift; he laid his head on my shoulder and slept. He didn't make a peep the entire time. It more than likely had to do with the fact that I pumped him full of Tylenol with codeine before we left, but I prefer to think of it as L.O.V.E.

After church we all went back to Laura's house where Finn made a new best friend - Caleb.

Caleb taught Finn how to play the drums using a Dixie cup, a fork and spoon.

When we got home later than evening I was welcomed back to a perfectly clean house. Next Michael and Finn gave me my Mother's Day card and we had some family time.


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