Catching up

This has been a very busy week for me, so I have not had a chance to blog; so I am going to do a quick catch-up.

On Thursday Cheyenne and Samantha brought us home make, hand iced, clown cupcakes. They are delicious and they looked professionally made! Finn had a few bites of the icing. Afterward I went to a reunion dinner with my CR group. So Michael and Finn spent the evening together.

Finn is now saying "Mama" pretty regularly. However, we are pretty sure that he thinks it means food. The only time he says "mama" is when he is sitting at the kitchen table eating solid foods. When the spoons gets close to his mouth and he will say "Mama." He will also say it with a mouthful of food. If you think about it, for the first eight (8) months of this life Mama has meant food, so I guess he is smarter than I give him credit for.

On Friday Finn helped me wrap Michael's birthday present. Since we spent Michael's birthday in the hospital we decided to celebrate last night by going to Carrabbas and then to see Robin Hood. Anyway the second I cut the paper the right size for wrapping Finn grabbed it and crinkled it up. Then he unrolled the paper while I wasn't looking. To be as bottom heavy as he is Finn can move really quickly when it comes to grabbing paper. Every time I turn around Finn has paper; sometimes I think that he can smell it. I am always pulling wads of paper out of the roof of his mouth.

This is a picture of Finn watching the "Office." There is a scene where Michael, Ryan and Pam are seeing how many "cheeseballs" they can fit in their mouths. Finn thought it was it so funny. We watched if five or six times and he laughed every time.


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