Life Lessons

The old saying, "you learn something new everyday" is true . . . I learned an important life lesson today. During a phone conversation with Mom I was informed that "pale" as used in my post entitled "blocks" is actually spelled "pail." I realize that I am a lousy proofreader, but this was new to me. I was dumbfounded. If I ever knew the correct spelling of that word, I had long since forgotten. I am completely embarrassed.

Tonight Dad and Gina came up to take Michael to Logan's for his birthday dinner. Before we left for dinner Kristina and her mom brought us chicken casserole, green beans, fruit and cookies for dinner. I look forward to a eating a wonderful lunch tomorrow!

During dinner Finn was in a hyper mood. First he ate my menu, then he ate some cereal, and then he spit out some sweet potatoes. He didn't sit still the entire evening. I'm glad he was in a good mood, but he was still exhausting. During dinner we met another Mom whose son had the same surgery. She is a server at Logan's and approached our table to ask about Finn. We also met a nice couple who referred to Finn as a girl at least five (5) times despite the fact that he was wearing a blue shorts outfit.

After dinner Finn tried on one of his new onsies that Dad and Gigi brought for him. Then he spent the rest of the night playing.

Finn is crying now. I put him to bed 40 minutes ago. I think that it is going to be a long night.


  1. awww, that is such a cute onesie!! I'm sorry Erin, I know that Finn looks different to you, but my gosh he is absolutely precious!!!!!! And I love the bald head. What a HAM


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