The "Nappster"

I am proud to say that for the first time (at least with us) Finn took a two hour nap in his crib without pitching a screaming fit.

Prior to the nap I tuckered Finn out by letting him help me reorganize all the drawers in the kitchen. I would pull things out to throw away and he would sit next to the pile and shove things into his mouth. He brings new mean to the old saying "one man's trash is another man's treasure."

After Finn woke up from his nap, Finn, Michael and I went through our closets and made piles to give to Goodwill. I don't think that Finn felt real good today because he whined and whimpered most of the day. I tried to get him to play with his toys but all he wanted to do was sit next to me and/or Michael, whatever the case may be. Finally we put in his farm video and I laid down next to him on the floor and we watched the video together. Every time I would move even the slightest bit Finn would roll over and put his hands on my face to make sure that I wasn't going anywhere. When he was satisfied that I wasn't leaving him he would roll back over and focus in on the video.

At around 5:00 I went to town to run a few errands and then Finn and I went to the grocery store. When we got back Michael left to have dinner with David and James on David's last night as a single guy.


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