Finn's Big Basket O' Fun

For the last eight months we have been trying to entertain Finn with baby toys. He is very interested in them for about five (5) minutes and then he is ready to move on to something else. I had almost given up on Finn playing by himself in the floor. Well, as it turns out I was just giving Finn the wrong toys. Finn is the happiest when he is sitting in the floor playing with basket full of random household items. The basket has a bottle lid, a bottle of lotion (which he can now unscrew) a dish washing brush, some vaseline, a book and his wooden spoon along with several other items. He will sit in front of that basket and take out each item, inspect it and then after a few minutes set it down. Then he will pick the next item up and start the process all over again. His facial expressions are so cute. He gets so excited everytime he pulls out something new and so serious when he is inspecting it. After he has taken everything out I put everything back in and we start all over. I could watch him all day, but that would defeat the point of enjoying some free moments while Finn is entertained.

Today was a slow day. Michael left early in the morning to go to West Tennessee for the next two nights. After work Finn and I spent the evening playing in the floor. I attempted to put him to bed at his normal bed time, but he screamed so loudly that it scared me so I got him back up and we played some more. An hour later I put him back down and he screamed again. This time I realized that I was being manipulated so I gave him a kiss and left the room. He screamed bloody murder for about 20 seconds and it went silent. I went back into his room to make sure he hadn't had a heart attack and saw that he was sound asleep.


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