David and Sharon's Wedding
After Sunday School we rushed home to put Finn down for his nap. We knew that we had a long day ahead of us so we wanted to let Finn sleep as long as possible. While Finn was napping Michael and I got ready for the wedding. At around 12:45 Michael got a call from David letting him know that groomsmen pictures were taking place within the next few minutes. When Michael got the call he was standing in the bathroom, in his boxers, brushing his teeth. We thought that pictures started at 2:45, so in a mad dash Michael jumps in the car and heads for the farm (which is approximately 35 minutes away). This left me to get everything ready. I knew that it would be a hot day so I packed the cooler with ice, cokes, water and food for Finn. Then I packed the booster seat and the some of Finn's little toys.
Next I went to wake up Finn and dress him for the wedding. Unfortunately the pants wouldn't even fit over Finn's thighs and hip, so on the way to the wedding Finn and I stopped at Dillard's to buy him an outfit.
Finn and I got to the farm at around 2:45. Right about the time we got there it started to rain. This was problematic because the wedding was an outdoor affair. We waited out the rain in the chapel with the other groomsmen. While there Edward played the keyboard while Finn danced to the music. He would hold Michael's hands and bounce with the rhythm. He definitely has more rhythm than his Mom. Next Finn took a turn at tickling the ivory.
After about 30 minutes Dad and Gina arrived. They came to hang out with Finn so that Michael and I could practice our song for the wedding and do other things in preparation for the ceremony.
Shortly after they arrived the skies cleared and the sun came out allowing for the sound equipment to be uncovered and Michael and I to sing a little.
Next we had our pictures taken with David and Sharon. By this time the sun had really warmed things up a bit and Finn was hot. This made for a fussy baby during picture time. The photographer was Stan Dunlap, Lindsey's dad (by way of background Lindsey is married to Chase and we sang at their wedding back in October). Just a quick plug, if you need pictures go to Stan Dunlap he is great and his lovely assistant/wife Julie can make any baby smile. Even a fussy, hungry, overheated one.

Right after the pictures were taken I took Finn up to a big barrel of ice water to cool him off. I gave him a chunk of ice to hold on to. After a few seconds of clutching the ice, Finn's hands started to hurt, but he didn't know how to remedy the situation. The common sense thing to do would be to drop the ice cube, but Finn hasn't developed a whole lot common sense yet so instead he looked at me and gave me the panicky cry. When I took the ice from him he started to feel much better.
By this time it was about 5:00 and the wedding was set to start in an hour. Much to every one's dismay we heard a huge crack of thunder and then it started raining. By 5:30 most of the guests had arrived and everyone stood under the awning to keep dry. At 6:30 David and Sharon made the decision to have the ceremony under the tent. In order to keep the bridal party dry several guests stood in a row and held umbrellas.
One positive thing that I can say about the rain is that Michael and I didn't have to sing. The sound guy told us that if it rains the song is cut. Even though we would gladly sing for David and Sharon, we were both relieved that it didn't happen. I am not joking when I say the song sounded really bad during rehearsal.
After the reception started Sharon and David shared their first dance as a married couple. Sharon danced with her father to "Cinderella", David and Deniece danced to "Three Times a Lady" and David and Lydia danced as well.
During the reception Michael and I sat at a table with Brandon, Carissa, Chase and Lindsey. Finn sat behind us with Dad and Gina and ate pineapple. He attacked that pineapple with a vengeance. After he was done he took his pineapply hands and rubbed them all over my face and into my hair.
After dinner Sharon and her bridesmaids performed a choreographed dance. Sharon changed into a white version of her bridesmaid's dress and wore cowboy boots. After the choreographed portion of the dance was complete Deniece, Tina, Donna, and MiMi joined in. Chelsea was even able to pull James out onto the dance floor. Michael and Finn joined them for a few minutes as well.
Next came the toasts. Michael said a few words about David and Sharon and James asked everyone to raise a glass in honor of the happy couple. Next David grabbed the microphone and told everyone that Michael had always been a good mentor to him and that James has always been his best friend. He also thanked his mother and told her how much he loved her. He finished by saying that "she [Deniece] was his favorite person, well, that is, except for Sharon." The statement got him a pretty good laugh. Next, Sharon's Maid of Honor talked about how much she loved Sharon. Finally, Sharon thanked her family and friends for helping with the wedding. After the toast fireworks were released.
At around 9:00 Finn and I threw in the towel. It was a great night.
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