The Skipper

Well sit right back and you you'll hear a tale, a tale of a faithful trip . . . just kidding, it was only a short trip to the Children's Place. Tonight Dad and I went to buy a Finn a hat that actually fits his head. He looks so cute in it. All he needs in a fish hook and a pair of white pants and he could pass as Gillian.

Dad and Lauren came to spend the night with me since Michael was out of town. First we went to the Children's Place and then we went to pick up some pizza for dinner. Around 6:30 Lauren arrived and we ate pizza and watched the season finale of Grey's Anatomy. Finn spent the evening on the phone. After putting Finn to bed we watched "On the Edge of Darkness."

nThe hat is just a bit big on him, but the next size down was way too tight. I had to squeeze his head into it.

Earlier during the day Finn discovered that he can open the doors to the T.V. cabinet. He and his partner in crime got in the cabinet and emptied it. I guess it is time to baby proof the dangerous cabinets.

Notice what movie he is holding . . .

It may be time to get Finn some glasses!


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