Post-op check-up

Today was Finn's one week, post-op check up with Dr. Kelly. We were very happy to learn that our "tortilla chip head" is doing great. We can even pull the steri-strips off on Friday. We also learned that the ridges on both sides of Finn's head are where Dr. Kelly pulled the skull out to give the brain room to grow. Finn's soft spots are now running along both sides of his head. He also told us that Finn can now withstand a few minor bumps to the head. We have been given the green light to let him start trying to crawl again. We will see Dr. Kelly again in three months.

After leaving Vanderbilt Finn and I billed a few hours. I decided to work from home today which meant that Finn had to accompanied me to the General Sessions Court Clerk's office. I think he enjoyed it every bit as much as they did. I love being self employed!

Finn eating Dr. Kelly's curtains.

Over the last few weeks Finn has received several "get well" cards in the mail. We want to thank, Ruby Jo, Melissa and David, the Webb family and the Faculty and Staff of Ohio Northern University.

This just in - I think that I just gave both of our credit card numbers out to a scam artist over the phone. Oh dread . . .


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