Tortilla Chip

Today Finn woke up at 5:30. He only slept about three hours the entire night. Every time the nurses came in to give him medicine or take his vitals they would play with him and get him all excited. Then they would leave. I was furious!

During breakfast we turned the news on and found out that Michael didn't have to go to work because all of Metro Center was flooded. After breakfast Dr. Kelly came and told us that we were going home! He warned us that Finn's head was very delicate and told that his head was as fragile as a tortilla chip. Super!!!

After getting all packed we took Finn downstairs to take some pictures in front of the butterflies.
I also attempted to peak Finn's interest in the frog again. We had a little more luck this time.

On our way home Michael took us to all the places in Hendersonville that had flooded the day before. On the way home I realized how tired I was. I told Michael that I felt like I had been at a church lock-in. In fact I was so tired I felt nauseous.

I was so happy to walk in the door. However, the minute I saw Finn's toys in the den I started crying. I'm not sure why. I think that it was more relief than anything else.

Next we brought in Finn. He jumped in his jumper for a while and then we let him play in the floor with pillows all around. I told Michael that is like having a newborn again. Not only is Finn very delicate he is super needy. He gets so mad when we put him down. He cries so hard that he can't catch his breath and his entire body shakes.

Thankfully Finn took a nice long nap on me so I was able to get a little bit of rest.

Later on in the evening Carissa, Brandon and Addison came to visit Finn and Addison brought Finn a "get well" card and a teddy bear .

We put Finn to bed at 10:00. At 10:40 Finn started screaming. It scared me to death. It sounded like someone was torturing him. Dr. Kelly warned us that he would be fussier than normal, but I was not expecting all the screaming. Michael told me that Finn screamed out about four (4) more times during the night. I was sound asleep and didn't hear a thing :)


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